Joy® embroidered letters are not just for words!
It's Halloween next month and time to start thinking about how we'll make Jack O'Lanterns this year. Nana, that's me, isn't a fan of the grandchildren wielding knives to add faces to pumpkins, so my grandson thought it would be fun to use nose and eyes from his Mr. Potato Head collection to make a face on a craft pumpkin. A very creative idea for a 5 yr old! It didn't work out too well, but it made me think that maybe we could use some of the letters we'd been using to create words.....
The "O"s would be the eyes and a mouth, "L" would make a very nice nose and the letter "I"s would be perfect for the eyebrows. We stole a hat from a pre-made scarecrow from last year and with a little glue, we had the perfect craft pumpkin head in no time at all! The grandchildren are thrilled and learned a fun lesson about shapes.
Joy embroidered letters are available at your local craft stores. There are a variety of colors, fonts and sizes available.