Creating fun and funny personalized tees for the Holidays
are a snap with the help of Joy® Embroidered Iron-on Letters.

Here's What You'll Need:
- A variety of Joy Embroidered Letters in different sizes, fonts and colors
- T Shirts
- Iron

- Wash t-shirt to remove any residue or sizing.
- Set iron to cotton setting or follow garment care label.
- Remove letters from sheet.
- Position letters with shiny side down.
- Cover letters with a fine cloth.
- With firm pressure iron cloth over the letters for 25 seconds.
- Turn t-shirt inside out and iron the back of the letters for 25 seconds.
- Allow to cool for one minute before handling.
Joy® iron-on, embroidered letters and number sheets are available
in a variety of sizes, colors, and fonts at your local craft stores.