Create a sweet Home Décor Banner with Rose Appliqués and letters...

To make the Love Makes a Family Banner you'll need:

- Two packages of Joy® iron-on Rose Appliqués
- Joy® Iron-on Embroidered Letter sheet - Gold
- 10" x 14" White Felt
- Gold Trim
- Craft Glue
- Wood Dowel Rod
- Twine
- Create a banner by folding the white felt in half lengthways. Cut diagonally across the bottom from the center fold to a point approx. 3" from the bottom corner on the outer edges.
- Set iron to cotton setting, or follow garment care label. Position rose appliqués and letters with shiny side down on the felt.
- Cover with a fine cloth. With firm pressure, iron over cloth for 30 seconds. Turn banner over and iron the back of the letters for 30 seconds.
- Cut down 1" longer than the banner.
- Glue or sew the top of the banner over the wood dowel.
- Glue gold trim to top of the banner.
Look for Joy® iron-on embroidered alphabet letter sheets
and appliques at your local craft store.