Now that summer is here, you can find the cutest pre-made draw strings totes just about any where!

The flamingo pattern on this tote just screams "Hello Summer!", don't you agree? You will need:
- Joy® Iron-on Embroidered Emojis

- Joy® Iron-on Embroidered letter sheet

- Joy® Iron-on Embroidered Baby Monogram Letters and Numbers

- Tote (check the Dollar Spot at Target)
- Yellow permanent marker
- iron, ironing board
- pressing cloth
- Color the Baby Monogram letters needed with the yellow marker
- Arrange letters and Emoji on the tote, then iron on using a pressing cloth following the manufacturers instructions on the back of each package.

Perfect for a day at the park, beach or even the county fair!
Joy® iron-on, embroidered letters and numbers are available in a variety of sizes, colors, and fonts at your local craft stores.