It never hurts to have an extra bib or two for those times when life is about to get messy.

This is a great project for any leftover plaid flannel you have on hand. Perfect for making a cute, washable baby bib.

You will need:
Joy® iron-on embroidered letter sheet 1/2 yd Flannel Coordinating thread Pattern (or make your own) Pins Hook and loop circle fasteners Instructions:
- Make a pattern by tracing around a bib you may have on hand onto card stock. To make a larger size, fold the card stock and the bib in half then place the folded edge of the bib about 1/2" away from the folded edge of the card stock. This will make your finished pattern 1" wider. Trace around the bib adding an additional 1/2" to allow for seams. Add additional length to the bottom if needed. Cut the pattern.
- Pin the pattern onto 2 layers of flannel then cut, to create two pieces.
- Sew the two pieces together either by hand or sewing machine, leaving a space at the bottom, then turn inside out.
- Iron the bib to flatten then top stitch the seams around the bib, about 1/4" from the edge.
- Position the letters you chose to personalize on front of the bib then iron in place with a pressing cloth, following directions on the packaging.
- Attach hook and loop fasteners to each end of the bib to fasten.
Joy® Iron-on, embroidered letters are available in a variety of sizes, colors and fonts
at your local craft stores.