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Laura Bray

I’m a professional craft designer, writer and illustrator. I inspire creative
women to live a life of balance & simplicity by sharing my modern twist
on traditional home arts. I live in Southern California with my physicist
husband, our ten year-old daughter and a hamster named Hamony Snickett.

Sue Eldred

I am a DIY, papercrafting, picture-taking, creative kind of gal (and kind
of an organizing nut). I love to find good junk to re-purpose into great
treasures. I'm also a mid-western, married mother with three great kids -
plus two adorable grandsons, who are the objects of my affection and the
subjects in a lot of my scrapbooking.  My style is eclectic, from clean and
simple to shabby and vintage, and at times I like to get completely messy.
I get a great deal of satisfaction out of creating for myself and for others.

Michelle Frae Cummings

I am a mixed-media artist, instructor and a freelance writer. As a child,
I was always crafty - my mother sewed and painted in oils, while my grandmother
made beautiful ceramics. I've painted sets for local playhouses, created
costumes, designed storefront windows, and taught at local scrapbook stores.
My passion is color - painting, sewing, or even planting it in my garden

- it’s how I express my dreams and inspirations.

Lisa Fulmer

As a mixed media artist and a designer for the craft industry, I love (and
hoard) paint, glitter, glue, paper, fabric, fibers, buttons,
name it! I've written two craft project books, Craft Your Stash and
Stylish Craft Foam Projects. I'm a regular contributor to several
popular craft magazines and community sites, including Bella Crafts, CraftFoxes
and FaveCrafts. My other hat is that of a marketing consultant - I enjoy
supporting creative solopreneurs in their quest to build a more successful

Marilyn Gossett

I'm a wife, mom, pet-lover and a woman with a lifelong passion for creating
art and crafting! I've been a designer, author and consultant in the craft
industry for many years and I've authored over 40 craft books. I enjoy working
with many mediums and I'm privileged to be on a team of such talented designers.

Lorrie McCullers

I am an avid crafter and scrapbooker. I have been crafty since I was a kid,
but who knew that making collages from magazine cut-outs, designing doll
clothes, and playing with stickers would lead me to my life-long passion?
I am now a designer and I work with some of the craft industry's greatest
manufacturers. My work has been published in print magazines and online and
has been displayed at trade shows. I am also an educator, teaching a variety
of crafting classes at local stores.

Julie McGuffee

Originally from England, I have been professionally involved in the arts
and crafts industry for over 20 years as a TV host and presenter, award-winning
designer, product developer, consultant and author of over 50 craft books.
I love crafts!

Terry Ricioli

Born into a creative family, I was surrounded by relatives building furniture,
sewing curtains, crocheting bedspreads or tying flies! I connected with the
craft industry through a creative writing class and have never looked back.
The journey has led to designing, teaching, writing, creating for manufacturers,
as well as publication in books, magazines and on the web. I’ve designed
everything from jewelry to needlepoint to kids’ crafts.

Anita Scroggins

As a paper artist, I get to do what I love most every day - play with paper,
glue, ribbons, buttons, and all things crafty. As a designer and spokesperson
in the craft industry, I get to hang out with the most fabulous people ever
- and they all speak the same crafty language! I have been published in print
magazines and online, featured on local and national television, had my projects
displayed at numerous trade shows, and have been able to travel to some amazing
places to teach my art. I currently work with several manufacturers and design
and teach at a local scrapbooking store.

Beth Watson

I have been designing and crafting since childhood - my creativity blossomed
at age 12 with the gift of my first painting set. I'm a creative design professional,
specializing in mixed media, three-dimensional crafts and home décor. As
a Designer Member of CHA, my work has been published in numerous craft magazines
and books, as well as being featured online and at trade shows. I enjoy bringing
a unique twist to my designs by using traditonal materials in unconventional
ways. I am currently on several design teams and teach at my local scrapbook

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